Showing 4 Result(s)

Great first day in the gardens!

Winter has finally run away and we are happy to see her leave.  What a beautiful morning it was to get back out into the garden for the first time.  We have shorts on! We were a small group this time, but we still got a lot of work done. We are going to meet every Tuesday at 10:00 am over the next few weeks, and then will add another day, and another one, and then another one as the weather gets better.Come out and join us!We will be having pot luck next Tuesday (May 7th) for lunch in the garden

Origin Story

The origin story of the Center for Supported Learning starts from a conversation with friends about what my then 17 year old son was going to do after graduating from high school.   I deferred the question, saying that we hadn’t decided yet. But inside I was shaking at the realization that at some point an answer was needed and that I apparently was expected to know what it was.That expectation wasn’t unreasonable I guess, given that I had been his primary caretaker since birth. I’d fought with

Spring is right around the corner and we are back out into the gardens!

We had a great first day of gardening in the spring weather. Lots of new faces came out to help us get the garden ready for planting in a few weeks. We would love to have you join us on a regular basis. If you like to grow things, sign up here and we will get you started.If you like the idea of growing things, but aren’t sure how? Sign up here (yes, its the same form as above, we are all learning and growing together!)
Our spring clean-up crew

Ready for May planting