Showing 15 Result(s)

Summer is here!

Summer has arrived in our area and it is HOT out there. While we haven’t been back as a group into the gardens, we have been working behind the scenes! It has been a joy to get back out and get our hands dirty. Here are a few pictures from the Loftus Herb & Flower …

Light at the end of the tunnel

Friends, Many of our community members are medically fragile and very vulnerable to Covid-19. As has most of the world, we have spent a long year and a half at home. But, many of our friends and family have been vaccinated and there seems to be a light at the end of the tunnel. We …

Agenda for this year!

I founded the Center for Supported Learning in 2016 to help connect youth and young adults in the Huntington Metro area with life-learning activities. My son Colin has profound developmental delays and is soon graduating from high school. A few years ago I began worrying about what was next for him. Unfortunately, there are very …

Guess What? Digital Community Research

A research project investigating the role and impacts digital communities have for long term caregivers has made the news in the Morgantown area. Executive Director, Sara Loftus is conducting the research as part of her Doctorate degree in Human Geography from the Department of Geology and Geography at West Virginia University in Morgantown, WV. Take …

Thank you for supporting our Arts Donation Drive!

Thanks to everyone who supported our Arts initiatives through our T-Shirt fundraising drive. We were able to raise 300$ in support of our upcoming arts programs. We will have another sale later in early Fall. We continue to work toward supporting our major ART projects for the year: Community Play – A collaboration with the …

Great first day in the gardens!

Winter has finally run away and we are happy to see her leave.  What a beautiful morning it was to get back out into the garden for the first time.  We have shorts on! We were a small group this time, but we still got a lot of work done. We are going to meet every Tuesday at 10:00 am over the next few weeks, and then will add another day, and another one, and then another one as the weather gets better.Come out and join us!We will be having pot luck next Tuesday (May 7th) for lunch in the garden

Origin Story

The origin story of the Center for Supported Learning starts from a conversation with friends about what my then 17 year old son was going to do after graduating from high school.   I deferred the question, saying that we hadn’t decided yet. But inside I was shaking at the realization that at some point an answer was needed and that I apparently was expected to know what it was.That expectation wasn’t unreasonable I guess, given that I had been his primary caretaker since birth. I’d fought with

Spring is right around the corner and we are back out into the gardens!

We had a great first day of gardening in the spring weather. Lots of new faces came out to help us get the garden ready for planting in a few weeks. We would love to have you join us on a regular basis. If you like to grow things, sign up here and we will get you started.If you like the idea of growing things, but aren’t sure how? Sign up here (yes, its the same form as above, we are all learning and growing together!)
Our spring clean-up crew

Ready for May planting