
VR Team wins big at WV Makes Festival 2018

2018 WV Makes Festival Sudden Link People’s Choice Prize

We are so proud of the work done by our Virtual Reality Team in the Immersive VR Deep Sea Dive project.  In October they competed at the WV Maker Festival at Marshall University and won in the Youth Division.  They also won the Suddenlink People’s Choice Grand prize!

This team of freshman and sophomore high school students have worked all year on developing an virtual reality deep sea dive experience. This was their debut showing of their game to the public.

This project is part of our Digital Laboratory Project, where we are working with collaborative partners to youth and young adults become not only digital consumers but also digital producers.

We are collaborating with Families Leading Change and the Tri-State STEM+M Early College High School, and L & B Geographic Solutions, LLC on this virtual reality project.